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Basic informations

The database is hosted by Kiel University
and is established by Wiebke Kirleis and
Kay Schmütz, Institute for Prehistoric and
Protohistoric Archaeology.


© Kirleis/Schmütz 2018: ArchbotLit CAU Kiel,

How to search the database

For searching the database, use the field “Search
on the right-hand side of the header of the website.

Search for general and specific search parameters upon:
plant taxa, species, country, site, period, culture, author/s, year of publication, …

You can search for single as well as for multiple variables, separated by space or comma (see examples below).

In the output results all searched terms are marked in yellow. For more information about a literature record, click on the green headings.

Note: For returning to start page from search results, click on “Wikis an der CAU” in the header or on “You are here: start” just below the header.

Examples: For a closer look click on the screenshots below.

Searching for single variables. Searching for multiple variables.
e.g. claviceps single-search1 e.g. panicum, bronze age, italy multi-search1
e.g. oil single-search2 e.g. kroll, wangels, papaver multi-search2

Display of the complete data record.
A click on green headings shows the complete literature record including all corresponding data. reference