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Basic informations
The database is hosted by Kiel University
and is established by Wiebke Kirleis and
Kay Schmütz, Institute for Prehistoric and
Protohistoric Archaeology.
© Kirleis/Schmütz 2018: ArchbotLit CAU Kiel,
Historical background
The literature based crop plant database was initiated by Jürgen Schultze-Motel, Gatersleben, Germany, already in the 1980ies and published in the journal „Die Kulturpflanze“ [e.g. Schultze-Motel, J., 1983. Literatur über archäologische Kulturpflanzenreste (1981/1982), Die Kulturpflanze 31, 281–297.].
From 1992 onwards, it was continued in the journal „Vegetation History and Archaeobotany“ first by Schultze-Motel [e.g. Schultze-Motel, J., 1992. Literature on archaeological remains of cultivated plants (1989/90), Vegetation Hist. Archaeobot. 1, 53–62.] and from 1995 onwards, Helmut Kroll, Kiel, Germany, took over [e.g. Kroll, H., 1995. Literature on archaeological remains of cultivated plants (1992/1993), Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 51–66.].
Only in the late 1990ies, the attempt was undertaken to establish an online version of the database by Helmut Kroll, Rainer Pasternak (both Kiel, Germany) and Alexander Medović (Novi Sad, Serbia). This database comprises 9.953 species data sets from literature on archaeological remains of cultivated plants from the years 1981–2004.
The new Wiki-database ArchbotLit is a follow-up of first online database by Kroll et al. All former entries were transferred into the new format.