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Basic informations

The database is hosted by Kiel University
and is established by Wiebke Kirleis and
Kay Schmütz, Institute for Prehistoric and
Protohistoric Archaeology.


© Kirleis/Schmütz 2018: ArchbotLit CAU Kiel,

How to upload data

This database lives from the contributions from the archaeobotany community. Therefore we invite you, dear colleagues, to exchange data on this platform.

To enter a single record, choose the Single-Import-Tool, to enter multiple records, use the Xlsx-Mass-Import-Tool.
Details on the tools for single-import and xlsx-mass-import can be found in the text below.

In order to upload data to the ArchbotLit-Wiki-Database, you have to register with us once.
Therefore please send an informal mail stating „I want to register to ArchbotLit“ to:

General information on program tools:

  • The provided program tools currently run only on Windows systems.
    If you do not have access to a Windows PC, simply prepare an Excel file (*.xlsx) in the required format and send it to:
  • An active internet connection is a prerequisite for the programs to work.
  • The Xlsx-Mass-Import-Tool requires files with *.xlsx file extension of Excel program version 2007 and higher.
  • Please note that no guarantee is given for the functionality of the tools provided, and no liability is accepted for any damage to your system.

General information on data entry:

  • Caution: If publications are entered twice, the existing entry will be overwritten.
  • Input mistakes can be corrected by uploading the complete data set again to overwrite the previous version.
  • If you intend to enter archaeobotanical data from one publication separated according to different archaeological periods or datings you have to enter the full citation again but then add a letter after the publishing date, e.g. “Kirleis, W., 2003. a.”, “Kirleis, W., 2003. b.”.
  • Note that you can enter a link to any internet-platform where your paper/book is available and/or enter the DOI to facilitate the accessibility of your publication.
  • Suggestions for further entries to the Taxalist can be sent to:


With the ArchbotLit Single-Import-Tool you can manually enter single literature records.

  1. Download the Single-Import-Tool, save it on a Windows-PC and start the user interface by double click.
  2. Enter your valid user name and password in the upper right corner.
  3. Add the individual values of your literature record considering the following requirements:
    • Please enter the corresponding data in English and do not use abbreviations especially in the fields Culture/Group and Country.
    • Multiple values in a single field should be separated by comma.
    • It is mandatory to give references in the field Citation according to the citation guidelines of the Journal of Archaeological Science (please see below).
    • Entry of dating for each record is mandatory.
      Either enter absolute dates in the field Time abs. with the addition of AD/BC, cal AD/cal BC by using the drop-down menu Choose dating,
      or (and) add an archaeological periodisation according to typology in the field Culture/Group.
    • Please enter geographic coordinates in the field Lat/Lon as decimal degrees (WGS84) and separate the values by comma. (Example: 54.292857, 10.851122)
  4. Every plant taxon needs individual entry. Therefore search each taxon by typing (part of) the name in the field Taxon and select the correct entry by double click in the drop-down menu. Add the selected taxon to your literature record by using the Add taxon button.
    Every plant taxon in the field Added Taxa has to be named and formatted exactly as listed in the Taxalist.
    Valid taxa and their synonyms can be found in the list of Synonyms.
  5. Start data upload by using the Import publication button.
  6. Successful upload for each publication record is displayed in the data field labelled Added publication.
    Otherwise a separate error message window occurs, indicating the source of error.

To cross-check your data-upload, use the search function in the upper right corner of the website.


With the Xlsx-Mass-Import-Tool you can enter multiple literature records by using the ArchbotLit Excel template.

  1. Download the ArchbotLit Excel template and save it on your computer.
    Please note the Xlsx-Mass-Import-Tool requires files with *.xlsx file extension of Excel program version 2007 and higher.
  2. Open the template and fill in your literature records considering the following requirements:
    • Enter the corresponding data in English and do not use abbreviations, especially in the columns time.culture_group and
    • Separate multiple values in a single field by comma.
    • Do not delete or change the order of individual columns nor change any column headers of the ArchbotLit Excel template.
    • It is mandatory to give references in the column literature.jasc according to the citation guidelines of the Journal of Archaeological Science (please see below).
    • Entry of dating for each record is mandatory.
      Either enter absolute dates in the column time.absolute with the addition of AD/BC, cal AD/cal BC in the column,
      or (and) add an archaeological periodisation according to typology in the column time.culture_group.
    • Please enter geographic coordinates in the column geography.coordinates as decimal degrees (WGS84) and separate the values by comma. (Example: 54.292857, 10.851122)
    • Every plant taxon in the column plant.species needs to be named and formatted exactly as listed in the Taxalist.
      Valid taxa and their synonyms can be found in the list of Synonyms.
  3. After preparing the ArchbotLit Excel template, download the Xlsx-Mass-Import-Tool, save it on a Windows-PC and start the user interface by double click.
  4. Enter your valid user name and password in the upper right corner.
  5. Select your individual ArchbotLit Excel file by using the button Browse input file.
  6. Optional:
    In case you want to cross-check your data upload, you can save a log text file called archbotlit_protocol on your computer. Select a folder by using the Browse output folder button.
  7. Start data upload by using the Import publications button.
    Please note that the program may take some time to connect to the ArchbotLit-Wiki-database.
  8. Successful upload or failure for each publication record is displayed in the data field labelled Added publications, and, if selected in the log text file archbotlit_protocol.
  9. Complete upload of the record list of your individual ArchbotLit Excel file is indicated by the notification “Finished” in the data field labelled Added publications.
  10. In case of typos, error messages will direct you to the respective entry in your ArchbotLit Excel file. Correct your data entry in the ArchbotLit Excel file and upload the ArchbotLit Excel file again (see points 4-9).

To cross-check your data-upload, use the search function in the upper right corner of the website.

Citation guidelines

References need to be entered according to the citation guidelines of the Journal of Archaeological Science.


Journal publication:
Klooss, S., Fischer, E., Out, W., Kirleis, W., 2016. Charred root tubers of lesser celandine (Ficaria verna HUDS.) in plant macro remain assemblages from Northern, Central and Western Europe, Quaternary International 404, 25-42.

Jacomet, S., Brombacher, C., Dick, M., 1989. Archäobotanik am Zürichsee. Ackerbau, Sammelwirtschaft und Umwelt von neolithischen und bronzezeitlichen Seeufersiedlungen im Raum Zürich, Orell-Füssli, Zürich.

Chapter in an edited book:
Kirleis, W., Dal Corso, M., 2015. Trypillian Subsistence Economy: Animal and Plant Exploitation, in: Müller, J., Rassmann, K., Videiko, M. (Eds.), Trypillia-Megasites and European Prehistory 4100-3400 BCE, Maney Publishing, London/New York, pp. 195-206.

Online version of JASc guide for authors (bullet point 'References', scroll down to 'Reference style'):