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Basic informations
The database is hosted by Kiel University
and is established by Wiebke Kirleis and
Kay Schmütz, Institute for Prehistoric and
Protohistoric Archaeology.
© Kirleis/Schmütz 2018: ArchbotLit CAU Kiel,
How to upload data
This database lives from the contributions from the archaeobotany community. Therefore we invite you, dear colleagues, to exchange data on this platform.
To enter a single record, choose the Single-Import-Tool, to enter multiple records, use the Xlsx-Mass-Import-Tool.
Details on the tools for single-import and xlsx-mass-import can be found in the text below.
In order to upload data to the ArchbotLit-Wiki-Database, you have to register with us once.
Therefore please send an informal mail stating „I want to register to ArchbotLit“ to:
General information on program tools:
General information on data entry:
With the ArchbotLit Single-Import-Tool you can manually enter single literature records.
To cross-check your data-upload, use the search function in the upper right corner of the website.
With the Xlsx-Mass-Import-Tool you can enter multiple literature records by using the ArchbotLit Excel template.
To cross-check your data-upload, use the search function in the upper right corner of the website.
References need to be entered according to the citation guidelines of the Journal of Archaeological Science.
Journal publication:
Klooss, S., Fischer, E., Out, W., Kirleis, W., 2016. Charred root tubers of lesser celandine (Ficaria verna HUDS.) in plant macro remain assemblages from Northern, Central and Western Europe, Quaternary International 404, 25-42.
Jacomet, S., Brombacher, C., Dick, M., 1989. Archäobotanik am Zürichsee. Ackerbau, Sammelwirtschaft und Umwelt von neolithischen und bronzezeitlichen Seeufersiedlungen im Raum Zürich, Orell-Füssli, Zürich.
Chapter in an edited book:
Kirleis, W., Dal Corso, M., 2015. Trypillian Subsistence Economy: Animal and Plant Exploitation, in: Müller, J., Rassmann, K., Videiko, M. (Eds.), Trypillia-Megasites and European Prehistory 4100-3400 BCE, Maney Publishing, London/New York, pp. 195-206.
Online version of JASc guide for authors (bullet point 'References', scroll down to 'Reference style'):