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Basic informations
The database is hosted by Kiel University
and is established by Wiebke Kirleis and
Kay Schmütz, Institute for Prehistoric and
Protohistoric Archaeology.
© Kirleis/Schmütz 2018: ArchbotLit CAU Kiel,
The Archaeobotanical Literature Database ArchbotLit
Our knowledge about the (pre-) history of crop plants to the most part is based on the materiality of fossil and subfossil plant remains from archaeological excavations. Data is gained in research projects in the fields of palaeo-ethnobotany and archaeobotany. Literature on past crop plants is scattered in a variety of international journals, excavations reports, but as well as grey literature and thus often difficult to access.
The literature based crop plant database offers a platform for archaeobotanists, archaeologists, students and the interested public to search for literature on specific crop species, their occurrence in specific archaeological periods or regions with the option for multiple category search functions.
For the informed archaeobotany community it further provides the opportunity to increase the visibility and accessibility of own publications. There is no raw data direct way available, but secondary information on archaeobotanical evidence for crop species according to
Reference list for crop plants
The taxalist for the ArchbotLit is based upon the catalogue Mansfeld’s World Database of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops where further synonyms can be found as well.
Online version:
Printed version: Schultze-Motel, J., 1986². Rudolf Mansfeld, Verzeichnis landwirtschaftlicher und gärtnerischer Kulturpflanzen ohne Zierpflanzen. Berlin.